Friday, March 26, 2010

muahahaha!i finally appeared!lyk finally i have tym 2 sit in front of e com n blog.Baby Kayleigh is sick once again.So i got 2 take leave 2 bring her 2 e doc..her nose is running lyk a water tap..poor gal!Hope she recovers FAST!tml i'll b finally goin back Woodlands..well jux 2 spend some tym wif him n let him spend tym wif his little gal.Actually our marriage seems rocky!We've been quarrelling so much lately.seldom meet, seldom tok on e phone but yet stil can terrible can tix b?haha..well i learn 2 take tinks easy cuz there's nothing much i can do!Sumtyms i have my reasons 4 doin certain tinks.So dun make assumption or wat so ever ya?Shall nt blog too much abt tix cuz is lyk wat's e point?haha..

ok,i seriously miss doreen loy!It's been lyk nearly a mth since i last met her!i seriously wonder when wil b e next tym we'll meet up again?She's busy wif wrk n i'm busy wif wrk!Babe "we got 2 find tym 2 meet up!I MISS YOU SO!"..haha!

Work is quite ok 4 mi thou except maybe making a mistake ytd which might make my company lose abt 200 to 300 hundred U.S!but luckily no 1 scolded mi..instead they told mi 2 learn frm my mistake n nv 2 repeat e mistake again!lol..
Baby Kayleigh went 4 her haircut last Sunday!She looks so cute,lyk a nun..haha!thx Jennifer babe 4 introducing e "mao bi" thingie..I'm excited n is looking forward 2 collect!

pictures of my little NUN!
overdue pics!

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