Friday, April 16, 2010

OMG spider webs everywhere!lol..i finally have e tym 2 blog..been real real busy wif work!Totally has got NO life.weekdays is al abt work go home eat,bath n slp.haha!Ok well i'm adapting 2 my new life!Also i'm starting 2 enjoy my job..But there's stil fucked up customers who pisses mi off at tyms but i fucking dun give a damn abt!

Secondly,baby Kayleigh is already 5 mths old.How tym flies!Is indeed amazing..Of course she's put-ing on weight,growing in length,and also growing in knowledge..haha!It's indeed great satisfactory 2 see her growing day by day..

Thirdly mi n Mr Soon is getting on alright..nt tat great n nt tat bad!haha!Ever since i've started work we've been meeting lyk onli on weekends.Sumtyms nv even get 2 meet!Reason being his on duty on weekends..So tml is Sat n mi n Baby Kayleigh is goin back Woodlands..Excited 2 see him but on e other hand turn off 2 see sum!

Fourth,it's been ages since i met up wif Loy,Cindy n Pat together..hope u 3 r doin great n pls do find tym 2 meet up wif mi tix busy wrking lady n busy mummy k?Pls someone initiate 4 a meet up!I'm bad at planning therefore i'm sounding someone to..haha!

I'm sorry 4 such a wordy post as my lappy had sent 4 repair therefore no photos r uploaded because i'm using my sissy lap top!haha..will upload photos of my little nun once my lap top is back provided if i have e tym.haha!

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