Saturday, March 20, 2010

Finally off is tiring mi out!it's gonna b 11pm n i'm feeling slpy..gosh!i have so much 2 blog abt during e week but by e tym when i have e tym 2 sit inform of e com i simply can't rem anytink..haha!erm i'm trying 2 get use 2 wrk,i guess!lol..n i hope Baby Kayleigh wil get use 2 goin 2 e babysitter's place..she seems upset every morning when i send her 2 e babysitter!i look forward 2 ending wrk everyday.once i knock off,i'll rushed al e way hm so tat i can see Baby Kayleigh asap n so tat i'll b able 2 spend alittle tym wif her b4 she turns in..

Darling came 2 pick mi up frm work ytd which is reali so unlike him.guess his feeling guilty 4 neglecting mi!but well i'm quite glad but on e other hand i stil find him annoying n in-sensitive!he jolly well noes tat today is my off day n yet his nt spending tym wif mi n his Baby!reali dunno wat is he he care abt is HIMSELF..*speechless*..

went Expo 4 Baby Fair today..met Jennifer n Etrini!haha..bought diapers n wipes 4 Baby Kayleigh!nothing much 2 buy thou..

i'm gonna doze off infront of e com man!gonna slp NOW NOW NOW..good nite! =)

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