Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm suppose 2 b working at tix point in tym..haha!But nope,i'm not at e office but at home!Baby Kayleigh is down wif fever after her jab,therefore i got 2 start wrk a day later!yup..She's recovering n is gaining back her babbly self.. =)

haiz..i seriously dunno where should i start saying frm!i've been feeling real down since ytd i guess?well sumtyms i reali do wonder if i've reali made e right decisions?i could have jux bear e responsibility as an unwed mummy instead of getting myself so upset over tat guy who got mi pregnant..wat's e point of getting married when e guy hardly bear any responsibility 4 his wife n his baby?al he does is jux contribute alittle money(cuz his nt earning alot) when ask frm every mth with mutiples of reminders..n den he jux hack care abt every single tink!enjoy his life in camp..goin back 2 his mum side after booking out of camp!when asked if he would 2 come Hougang visit his wife n daughter he claims tat his LAZY..n when told abt his baby being sick,his comment was "orh bi".. how am i 2 carry on my life wif such a guy wif such attitude?i feel so speechless n reali dunno wat should i do?i felt tat i've been reali nice 2 him..but he doesn't even appreciate at al!now tat i'm gonna start wrking ,he didn't even ask mi where i'll b wrking at?wat's my wrking tym?who is gonna look after Baby Kayleigh?none of e above questions came out frm him..i seriously need sum solutions 4 tix's bothering mi BADLY! =(

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