Thursday, November 10, 2011

Has the sudden urge to blog!

Omg i am back!..It's just e sudden urge to blog!I guess probably because I'm too free in e office..haha!I seriously don't know where I should start saying & talk about!goodness..

Ok I remember typing all this new year resolutions at the beginning of year 2011, now is November already..Let me see what have I fulfilled.

1) Work hard for an increment - (I DID IT)
2) Mi and Darling to apply house of our own - (NOT YET)
3) To get Kayleigh an insurance plan - (I DID IT)
4) To change to IPHONE 4 - (I DID IT)
5) To go out of Singapore for holidays - (I DID IT)
6) To give my Mummy more money - (I DID IT)
7) To maintain our marriage for as long as we can - (STILL SURVIVING WELL)

Ok, out of 7 resolutions, I fulfilled 7 of it!Great..I'm proud of myself..

And how time flies Kayleigh just turned 2 yrs old, 2 days back!She's been a devil yet an angel..I don't how to describe how deep my love is for her. Well all I hope is for her to grow up healthy, happy and fat!hahaha..She will be attending school really soon!At e moment, her name has been on the waiting list to join MYFIRSTSCHOOL at TPY next year. Hope the school rings me up real soon!..

Oh yes, I will be flying off to Korea tml!Finally I am leaving this damn it boring Singapore. And for sure I am going to enjoy myself TTM. The only person that I will miss deeply would be Miss Kayleigh Soon!I bet she is gonna miss me too..haha!*i hope*

Ok la, I think I better get back to working before I get caught blogging!haha..

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