Friday, November 11, 2011

So so free @ work!..

I love this pic! Mi & my angel on her advance bday dinner!

Once again I have time to blog..haha!Last night I went back HG to accompany my little angel..I'll not be able to see her till next Fri when I am back from Korea!I am so worried for her!haiz..Hope mummy takes good care of her during this period when I am away..

Damn it!..I very much wanted to go for my pedicure last night but Mr Soon that shit-head doesn't allow me to. Haiz!No choice I will have to go Korea with my cui toe nails..Guess I will do it there if we have the time!hahaha...I would also hope to get my hair dye there!And fuck last night I went to thread my stupid thick "la pi xiao xing" eyebrows..OMG, I nearly died at the shop..It is so pain!..My tears kept flowing n my nose kept leaking!This sounded kua zhang, but seriously it is damn pain. Maybe my eyebrows are far too too thick!hahaha..But well at least I am having pretty eyebrows!

Oh yes, I am on half day leave today!Leaving office at 1pm, goin home to get my luggage pack for Korea..Will be leaving home by 4pm to travel to Cindy's house!Her dad is fetching us to the airport..Sad la, Mr Soon is not able to send me off at the airport!Actually is not he cannot, is he doesn't want.Boohoo!..I'm so gonna miss 3 people when I am in Korea, firstly, Ms Soon, secondly, Mr Soon, thirdly, Mummy!..

Counting down!I am ending wrk in probably an hr plus time..Yes la! KOREA, WO LAI LE!..

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