Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ms naughty is slping now..haha!faster update my blog..

Anw, i've decided to move back to Woodlands. Had enough of my Mum's drama everyday!Well i hope this will definitely lessen our quarrels. And also this decision would be loved by Darling!He has always wanted us 2 be back..haha!So frm tml onwards, in laws would be e one sending Kayleigh 2 my aunt's place..yup! So i'll be going back there 2 stay tonight!Hope everything will turn out excellent. But well nothing is perfect. yup!

Chinese New Yr, is really round e corner. I'm done with my new yr clothing n so is Kayleigh!I'm excited to gamble..omg!lol.. yes, it would be str8 consecutive 4 days of off day!shiok!the only sian thing is, need to distribute "ang baos"..boring!haha..

Seriously i have nothing 2 blog already.. will be back to upate my blog again!no pics too.. =(

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