Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunny Sunday!

haha e sun is so scorching hot.i can feel e heat even when i'm home!if onli my mummy allow me 2 switch on e air con.den i'll b in!

Darling is no longer in Changi camp.His back 2 Sembawang camp which means guard duty which oso means we can rarely meet.His timing is nv fix.. =( so i'm left wif no choice but 2 stay home wif Baby Kayleigh if weekends he has duty.haha!

Last Fri,i went 4 Darling SSC's a grauating dinner kinda tink!i took a half day leave came home shower n den off 2 ECP.haha!n well, we actually won 4 e BEST couple!lyk y would it b us?haha!

Photos taken on SSC night!

Enjoyable time always pass in a blink of eyes!how annoying can tat get?haha..So e whole of last week was jux abt wrk.Thur nite, i went back wif Darling after wrk.We caught a movie had dinner den i went back Woodlands 2 stay. Next morning, go wrk frm there..haha!

And since ytd was a Sat, i could not possibly b staying home right?Went City Square Mall wif Mummy & Baby Kayleigh for shopping.

Photos taken on the way!

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