Monday, July 12, 2010

haha i'm back!i'm reali finding tym to blog..ever since i've started wrk i totally do nt have tym 2 do up my blog, which lead 2 mi being real lazy at tyms 2 update!but well, i stil feel there's a need 2 update.haha!

i seriously do not noe where 2 start!..ok firstly,i'm doin great wif my job!i'm loving wateva i'm doin right's jux al abt goin in at 9am, wrk n wrk till 6.15pm..haha!i've gotten my confimation and of course pay rise, but well money is nv enough..i wan more more more!haha!

Baby Kayleigh is currently 8 mths old thou!well her development is slightly slower den any other full term babies but nevertheless she's trying her best 2 surprise mi wif her every new moves and stunts everyday. she's learning 2 sit n slightly learning how to crawl alittle!i guess in no tym i'll b seeing her standing on her own.haha!but well al i hope is 4 her 2 stay healthy.. =)

As for mi n Darling..We'll stil no same!quarrels of course is normal for couples!but well we do have our sweet moments too!haha..

In short my LIFE is jux a routine..i'm doin e same tink everyday!it's in a repeated pattern!wake up, wrk, go home, goes on n on n on!hahahaahahahhahaah...BORING is e word!

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