Monday, August 23, 2010

Ok it's been a reali long while since I've updated my blog..jux a rough post!

30 July 2010 (Fri)
Was on half day leave..Attended Darling's POC!brought Kayleigh along, as Papa Soon wants her 2 witness his award ceremony.But this little gal fell aslp when e ceremony started, and was awake when e ceremony ended!wat a naughty rascal?lol...Not to forget!"Darling, congrats on ur best PT!"
After the ceremony, went Woodlands to stay!

photos for the day!

08 Aug 2010 (Sun)
Went for NicNic's 1st bday bash..Went there wif Kayleigh!Saw many many young mummies!al their little ones look reali cute.haha!Only had afew photos taken by Xue Er..Kayleigh and Val!

09 Aug 2010 (Monday)
Went Seng Kang with Darling to watch NDP..kinda boring thou!it jux didn't felt lyk at Marina..the feel is jux different, thou they had fireworks and everything..

13 & 14 Aug 2010 (Friday & Sat)
Office was close for half a day as we'll moving to Commonwealth!No more disgusting,dark and hot shop houses..haha!We've moved to One Commonwealth.i love my new office.Aircon powerful plus totally office environment.
Went out on Sat after finish packing up the new office. Went shopping wif Qian n Reena at PS!haha..Went Grapevine in e nite to catch up wif frens!It's been so long..i wonder when e next tym again?

Life is back to normal after al e exciting events.haha!Today i'm on MC therefore i have tym to update my blog..haha!i'm down wif Fever, Sore Throat and Cough!i guess it's sum virus that is passing around in my hse. My mum and Kayleigh is sick too!i tink Papa Soon is getting our virus too!

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