Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yeah it's Sat again..haha!Suppose 2 b a resting day but Baby Kayleigh woke up at 9am crying. So i've got no choice but 2 wake up.Damn!Nw i'm feeling so slpy but dun tink i can slp.Shall go paint my nails after blogging.haha!I love having pretty nails.. =)

Last Weekend we brought Baby Kayleigh for a swim. She's so afraid of the water!haha..Kept frowning when we placed her in e water. Some photos of her in her Bikini.. Super cute!

Looks lyk a boy in Bikini!

Baby Kayleigh jux turned 7 mths old last week.haha!Happy monthsary Kayleigh gal.. =) Keep growing fatter n fatter. You'll always b my little angel!

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