Saturday, April 17, 2010

haha!my lappy is back home..Brought Baby Kayleigh 2 poly clinic today 4 her 5th mth jab..omg it was hell man!My Mama went 4 blood test leaving Baby Kayleigh alone wif mi 2 bring her 4 her jab!she was a terror man!Even b4 e jab was given 2 her, she started grabing my glasses n pulling my hair despite mi tying it up.goodness!n kept crying!At tat moment i felt lyk a real Aunty man..Hair lyk "siao cha bo"..glasses dropping lyk a "lao ah ma"!And as usual once e virus got injected into her body she wil eventually faint after!

Went Bishan 4 lunch wif Mama n Baby Kayleigh n den off 2 collect my lap top..Backed home after collecting!Now i'm freaking hell waiting 4 tt stupid "Soon Ah Guang" 2 finish his lion dance b4 we can go back 2 Woodlands together..Idert!Waste my beautiful Sat waiting 4 him!annoying piece of shit..haha!

photos of Little Kayleigh!

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