Friday, February 26, 2010

Omg it's been lyk nearly a week since i last posted sumtink on my blog..Nothing interesting 2 blog abt seriously!Life as usual is stil!It's jux al abt home,Darling's home & goin out alittle!I went 4 MJ last nite lyk finally..N yes i won $$$!I ''zi mo wu tai!''..Best of e best!Tonight i'm goin 4 another round of gambling..Tix tym is ''ban luck!''Of course i do hope 2 win money!Tml nite i'll b goin Neverland wif sis!Her fren's bday!Reason 4 asking mi 2 go is because she wans mi 2 b her chauffeur..Asshole!Sun,cousin's hse warming!After tat goin present hunting wif Darling!Lastly Tue,Cindy's 21st birthday celebration!I'm so looking forward 2 it!haha..

My DIY nails!(I'm too free already)

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