Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh yes it's finally Fri today..haha!N tml is reunion dinner..Omg tix yr is gonna b e 1st yr i'll b having reunion dinner nt at grandma's place but Darling's grandma hse!Well i guess i'm gonna feel weird cuz i'm nt close 2 e pple at Darling's side.Coming 2 tink of it i've met al of them maybe lyk less them 10 tyms..Luckily i stil have Baby Kayleigh 2 company mi!If nt i'll totally feel crap!How i wish i dun have 2 go ar?ytd my MIL called n asked mi if i'm goin back tml night.She muz b afraid i nv go back den when they go ''bai nian'' she doesn't noe how 2 explain 2 relatives,y Mi n Baby Kayleigh is nt present.Muz b scare pple noe tat she's nt nice 2 Mi n Baby Kayleigh!Oh pls man toking abt her makes my blood boil.She didn't even lyk buy a set of clothes 4 Baby Kayleigh for CNY.Stil wanna cal herself WEN XUAN's grandma?How annoying can tat b?But well Baby Kayleigh doesn't need her 2 buy clothes anyway,cuz her maternal grandma which is My Mama bought her so many sets of pretty clothings..I bet she's gonna look lyk a fat cute princess in her clothes!lol..Thank god i'm jux lyk goin back 4 a nite n i'll b back on e 1st day of new yr!Cuz my Darling need 2 book into camp as his on guard duty.How suay?lol...But well i'm damn it excited 4 CNY man..Gamble gamble gamble!I'm so gonna win big money tix yr!lol..

Ok Baby Kayleigh had went 4 her 3rd mth jab n she's nt down wif fever!I'm so happy..Whee...But jux alittle cranky e next day n she slps alot tatz al!Glad tat her body is fighting e virus hard hard hard..haha!Thx 2 Etrini 4 her little tip!Cuz i heard her telling Jennifer tat she did nt bath her little gal when she brings her 4 jab n it works!Haha sry for ease-dropping ya?But i noe u 2 wun mind rite?lol...

i wore this 4 my job interview ytd!

I went 4 my job interview ytd at Shenton Way!Omg is hell scary..It's lyk goin for o'level oral exam..haha!I'm super super nervous!Well i seriously hope i get e job cuz i need $$$..So al e best 2 mi!I'll b looking forward 2 hear frm them after CNY.. =)

Baby Kayleigh enjoying e walk along Shenton Way!

After interview mi,mama & Baby Kayleigh went shopping!We went Raffles place 2 walk..N waited for sis n Weiling 2 come down!N i'm so so happy..Sis bought mi e bag i liked 4 my birthday.We shared e cost half half!Tat is totally sweet of her..Love her 2 e max sumtyms!lol..Awesome sis of mine bought mi 2 birthday presents!Reali appreciate it lots lots..N mama pampered herself wif a bag too!



After shopping we went Liang Court 4 dinner..After which we headed home!Indeed a long & tiring but yet happy day!

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