Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy New Year!...

CNY eve @ city square mall
She actually pose for me! =)

Angbaos for e kiddos

Family pic on Chu 1!

Another pic before goin out to Bai nian

Mi & Kayleigh @ his popo's place

E vain mi!

It's CNY once again.. Huat ahhhhhhhhhh! hahaha!

Today is Chu 4! I am back to work. By right yesterday was suppose to start work but my lovely girl decided to be naughty n fall ill. So I stayed home to tk of her! Was really tiring thou!

I reached office like really early today.I was downstairs @ 8.35am. Nobody is working in this whole building. Why like that?Not fair to us..I seriously dragged coming to work after a long holiday! =( How I wish I could be rich even w/o working!I must be dreaming and can continue dreaming.LOL!..

Reunion dinner, as usual @ Mr Soon's grandma place!..Headed back to Woodlands for Mr Soon to pack his clothes & stuff. Yes, finally this year we stayed at Hougang on reunion night!I'm afraid my mummy gets lonely.

Chu 1, went my granny's place!Saw afew of my cousins. Then to Mr Soon's grandma place..Just 2 places we were already shagged out.We are pretty lousy huh?Plus omg the 1st day of new year was raining the whole day!Went back Hougang after that..Took our showers n rest!Had a round of mj with some weirdos and I lost 2 bucks.Don't want to elaborate further on that weird couple!

Chu 2, went granny's!After which to my ex-gf's aunt place at TPY..Had steamboat, after that proceed to "ban luck"..OMG I lost quite a fair bit $26 in total!Lousy luck na!

Chu 3, was home the whole day with that little devil.

Chu 4, back to boring work!..And my mummy went Sentosa Flower w/o me. How could she?*meano =( I can only go home n enjoy their photos at Sentosa Flower!hmmp!..

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