Saturday, December 4, 2010

Back again!

i've been missing frm my blog for so damn it long!totally has no time 2 blog n oso no mood..i have so much to say but when i have e tym 2 blog i sumhow forgotten what 2 blog..

Many things happened frm e last tym i blog till now..i wanna express my most inner feelings here!i miss u cousin Billy!i cannot help but random thoughts of u will jux run through my mind!anywhere, anytime..We may not b very close, but still there is this cousin bond which upsets me upon hearing ur death!haiz..Hope u r doin fine in heaven!

Kayleigh has turned 1..indeed a big big girl now!i know it is very late but nevertheless i would still wanna thank those who has attended her bday party!well her development kinda impress mi..many told mi pre-mature kids tend 2 b slow in learning!but well, i don't think this applies 2 Kayleigh!she is indeed a smart girl!

Darling has been applying for 8 to 5 ever since his BMT ended..well finally he has been granted, and that will commence in end Dec..well i truely appreciate that effort u had put in!i know that is for me and Baby!thank you so much, that is what i wanna say 2 u!so which means u will be out every night, u do rest assure i will try my utmost best 2 go back more often 2 spend time with u..i do hope u keep 2 ur word that you will not force me n Baby 2 move back Woodlands!i'll be waiting for our OWN house to b bought!

my blogging ends here! i'll find time n will be back blogging!

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